課程編號 : GL2023MBD
課程費用 : 港幣$21,000.00
課程時間 : 1堂 (8小時)
上課時間 : 早上9:30 – 下午5:30 (1小時午膳時間)
上課地點 : Leader Way Learning Centre
課程詳情及目標 (主要目標包括不限於)
Introduction :
Big Data 可幫助企業和機構更好地了解市場和客戶,優化業務流程和產品設計,提⾼服務質量和效率,並為未來的發展提供更多的機會和挑戰。如為廣告主透過⼤數據分析消費者的⾏為和喜好,從⽽制定更精確的廣告策略。
Course Content :
1. Introduction to Big Data
- Definition and Characteristics of Big Data
- Types and Sources of Big Data
- Big Data Technologies and Tools
- Importance and Applications of Big Data
2. Big Data Infrastructure and Architecture
- Big Data Architecture and Components
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
- MapReduce Framework
- Big Data Storage Technologies (HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB)
- Big Data Processing Technologies (Spark, Storm, Flink)
3. Big Data Analytics
- Introduction to Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Analysis Techniques
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis
- Predictive Analytics and Forecasting
4. Big Data Management
- Big Data Management Challenges
- Big Data Governance and Security
- Data Quality and Integration
- Big Data Visualization and Reporting
- Data Privacy and Ethics
5. Big Data Applications
- Industry Applications of Big Data (Retail, Finance, Healthcare, etc.)
- Social Media Analytics
- Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics
- Real-Time Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Case Studies
6. Future of Big Data
- Emerging Trends in Big Data
- Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Big Data and Blockchain Technology
- Big Data and Cloud Computing
- Big Data and Edge Computing